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Search Results: eu

Peppi info sessions and question times for UEF students in March and April [article]

University of Eastern Finland will deploy a new student data system in late 2021. WebOodi will be replaced by a modern data ecosystem called Peppi. The Peppi ecosystem includes a lot of diverse functions and plug-ins that will make every-day working and studying at the UEF easier. In addition to the student data system, Peppi […]

The Library is invoicing borrowing fees in early April [article]

We invoice unpaid borrowing service fees in early April. By paying all the unpaid fees before Easter, you can avoid the invoicing. Web payment is a quick and easy way to pay the overdue and reservation fees online. Log in to UEF Primo. From your account, select Fines. You can make an online payment if […]

Opparin ja tietotekniikkapalvelun palvelutiski Joensuussa muuttaa väistötiloihin [article]

Joensuun kampuskirjaston remontin vuoksi Opparin ja tietotekniikkapalvelun palvelutiski muuttaa väistötilaan Agoraan AG103 ma-ti 19.-20.4.2021. Palvelutiski on suljettu muuton ajan. Palvelu avataan uudessa tilassa ke 21.4.2021. Agoran tilassa on tietokoneita opiskelijoiden itsenäiseen opiskeluun, tulostin ja palvelutiski. Olemme avoinna arkisin klo 9–18, lauantaisin klo 10–14. Tarkistathan kevään ja kesän poikkeusaukioloajat Kamusta.   Väistötilassa toimitaan elokuun loppupuolelle saakka, […]

Survey for students in Kuopio campus [article]

Dear student in Kuopio campus, Hi! I’m third school year wellness business economics student (Savonia University of Applied Science) and I’m doing a thesis together with my mandator Business Center North Savo. Part of this work is study that gathers information about students interests and thoughts about entrepreneurship and innovation education. Results from this study are used […]

Share your views to contribute in an assessment of universities’ administrative autonomy – survey open until 7.2.2021 [article]

The Ministry of Education and Culture appointed on June 25th, 2020 a group to conduct an assessment of the status of administrative autonomy and its relationship with the provisions laid down in the Constitution. The assessment will take into account the tripartite university democracy. The group will additionally evaluate the need to specify the legislation […]

Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology: Instructions for publishing the dissertation [page]

Preparing your dissertation for printing You are responsible for preparing the dissertation for publication, and the layout in practice. In Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology it is recommended to use the layout template (Word or Latex) from the beginning of the dissertation writing process.  Please, note dissertations of Forest Sciences are published in Dissertationes […]

UEF calculated its carbon footprint – call for comments on the proposed measures to reduce carbon footprint! [article]

The University of Eastern Finland seeks to become carbon neutral by 2025. In connection with this work, a working group comprising experts from different fields calculated the university’s carbon footprint and proposed measures on how to achieve the carbon neutrality goal. Now is your turn: get to know the proposed measures and comment on them! […]

Degree students, remember to pay your FSHS healthcare fee to Kela by 31st January 2021! [article]

The student healthcare fee must be paid by all students who are completing a degree at a Finnish institution of higher education and have registered as attending for the term. No bill will be sent on the healthcare fee, and thus you have to pay the fee on your own initiative. In 2021, the healthcare […]

Tips for successful multi-location work at UEF [article]

Both staff and students work remotely and on campus. UEF has made tips for successful multi-location work that can also be utilized in studying. On campus, it is easy to agree on certain ground rules on respecting everyone’s right to a peaceful work environment and general matters that affect atmosphere at work. Multi-location work has introduced […]

Data protection guide for students [page]

Do you process personal data in your assignments or thesis? Personal data means all information relating to a natural person that makes it possible to directly or indirectly identify the person. Direct identifiers include a person’s name, personal identity code, photo, video footage, voice recording, email address containing the person’s name, and handwritten signature. A […]