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Accessible studies [page]

Accessibility refers to a physical, mental and social environment where everyone, regardless of their personal characteristics, can act and interact equally with others. At the university, accessibility affects all students and staff members, but it is especially important to those members of the university community who have a disability, who are ageing, or who belong […]

Registration of non-degree students [page]

Non-degree students cannot become members of the Student Union, which means that they are not entitled to the student benefits. However, the Student Union may choose to allow non-degree students from certain student groups to join the Student Union. Find more information from the article on Student Union membership fees. After the study right has […]

Campuses and campus cities [page]

University of Eastern Finland is located on two campuses. Joensuu campus The Joensuu Campus is compact and easy to access. The campus is home to nearly 8,000 degree students, so be prepared for a lively atmosphere and corridors filled with happy chatter. The campus is located right by the city centre, making it easy to […]

Before departure – a checklist for exchange students [page]

What to do before returning back home? Here you will find instructions on what to do before finishing your exchange with us and returning back home. Please do not leave the campus city before contacting the International Mobility Services (Päivi Haltilahti in Joensuu or Kirsi Konttinen in Kuopio). Housing Give notice to end your student […]

Credits and grades [page]

Credits The Finnish national credit allocation and accumulation system is equivalent to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). This means that credits (opintopiste) are the same as those in the ECTS. One year of full-time studies requires about 1600 hours of work and corresponds to 60 credits (30 credits per semester). Lectures, exercises, seminars, […]

Completing courses [page]

Teaching methods Academic freedom is one of the basic values of the Finnish university system. It emphasises independent study and opens up many possibilities to students. In most cases, students can basically choose what to study and when to study. Some lectures, for example, may not be compulsory.  However, the practical sessions are usually always obligatory. […]

Financing the studies [page]

There are no tuition fees for the EU and EEA citizens at the University of Eastern Finland. The non-European citizens studying for a a whole Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree have fees which vary from 8,000 to 10,000 €/year depending on the programme. The fees need to be paid before you can register as a student at the […]

Study communities [page]

Each student belongs to a study programme-specific Study Community. In study communities you will find information on studies and a discussion forum. Study communities complement the general Kamu Student Handbook information with programme-specific instructions such as structure and format of written work. Study communities are built in the Office 365 environment either as Sharepoint workspaces […]

Introduction to doctoral education [page]

The aim of scientific doctoral education is to educate professionals in research who have the capacity to work independently in solving scientific problems and producing new scientific knowledge. A doctorate can be a qualification requirement for some positions. Doctoral education at the University of Eastern Finland The University of Eastern Finland operates scientific postgraduate studies […]

Unsuitability to study – the SORA legislation [page]

In order to promote the safety of minors, patients and customers, restrictions have been implemented to student admittance from the beginning of 2012. An admitted student may be requested to provide an excerpt from his or her criminal record for the purpose of assessing his or her capacity to study. Restrictions to student admittance In […]