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Registration instructions for new bachelor’s and master’s degree students [page]

These registration instructions are for new bachelor’s and master’s degree students starting their studies at UEF. If you are an exchange student, here you can find the registration instructions for exchange students. The academic year at the University of Eastern Finland officially begins on 1 August and ends on 31 July. The autumn semester courses […]

The examination and evaluation of the theses included in the advanced studies [page]

Instructions and process Student: Using Turnitin plagiarism detection software on Moodle prior to officially submitting your thesis for examination Upload your thesis to Moodle for your supervisor to perform plagiarism detection on it. Your supervisor will review the plagiarism detection report. If everything is OK, your supervisor will send you an email and gives you […]

Specialisation studies [page]

Specialisation studies are a form of education, offered alongside degree studies and continuing professional education. They are intended for those who are in the working life, have completed a higher university degree or have otherwise acquired the equivalent competence. In universities, specialisation studies are primarily completed after a higher university degree. The extent of the […]

University glossary [page]

Academic quarter? Demo? Faculty? For the definitions of these and many other words and concepts related to university life, see this vocabulary. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y  A Absent student is a student who has not paid […]

Accessibility in studies – aids and facilities [page]

Accessibility refers to the design of physical, psychological and social environments so as to allow everyone to function as equals despite their individual characteristics. At the university, accessibility is something that concerns all students and staff members; however, it is of particular importance to those members of the academic community who have a disability, who […]

Traineeship options abroad [page]

The aim of a traineeship abroad is to support studies as well as develop a student’s professional ability for international duties. International traineeships offer chances to acquire useful contacts, gain work experience and language skills, and learn the customs and corporate culture of the host country. The traineeship must be related to the student’s major […]

Introduction to international studies [page]

As a UEF degree student, you can go on student exchange, get a traineeship abroad, and/or internationalise yourself at your home campus. University of Eastern Finland is involved in a number of international exchange programmes including hundreds of universities across the world. In addition, our university has signed co-operation agreements with dozens of universities across […]

Unsuitability to study – the SORA legislation [page]

In order to promote the safety of minors, patients and customers, restrictions have been implemented to student admittance from the beginning of 2012. An admitted student may be requested to provide an excerpt from his or her criminal record for the purpose of assessing his or her capacity to study. Restrictions to student admittance In […]

Student guidelines on the practices of supported practical training [page]

It is important for your future employment that you perform the voluntary on-the-job training included in your studies. It would also be desirable that you direct your gaze outside your home country and use your opportunity to complete international practical training during your studies. Complete the practical training and insert it into your personal study […]

Nordics: Nordplus and Nordlys [page]

Via the Nordplus exchange programme, students can go on exchange to the Nordic Countries and the Baltic region. Some Nordic and Baltic universities are also available through the department-specific agreements under the Erasmus+ programme. NORDPLUS programme NORDPLUS is a student exchange programme for Bachelor’s and Master’s level students that is funded by the Nordic Council […]