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Search Results: exercise

Autumn 2022 Sports afternoon on 5 October – programme available now! [article]

SYKETTÄ Sports Afternoon will be held on Wednesday 5th of October 2022 on Joensuu and Kuopio Campuses, in collaboration with the UEF, Karelia UAS and Savonia UAS. The sports afternoon begins at 12:15 pm, and there is no teaching in the afternoon. SYKETTÄ Sports Services organizes the sports afternoon programme, but no SYKETTÄ sticker is […]

Networked co-operation brings biodiversity-related courses available to students [article]

Through the Biodiversity education network, students at the University of Eastern Finland have a possibility to take biodiversity-related courses from other universities. The University of Eastern Finland, together with the Universities of Turku, Oulu, Helsinki and Jyväskylä and Åbo Akademi University are collaborating in biodiversity education. A common agreement on cross-institutional studies has been signed […]

UEF Students on the Kuopio Campus, check out SYKETTÄ sport services and try for free 29.8.–14.9.2022 [article]

Hi new UEF students on the Kuopio Campus, welcome to use SYKETTÄ Kuopio services! SYKETTÄ services are here to offer you many great ways to increase your physical activity throughout your studies. So whether you are looking for group classes, a gym workout or a chance to play ball sports with your student friends, we […]

New courses in career & job seeking skills [article]

The UEF Career Services offers courses on career planning and job seeking. They are open to all bachelor’s and master’s degree students. Starting from spring 2023, each 1-ECTS course will be available in English twice a year. This academic year, they will be launched as follows: Autumn 2022Basics of Finnish Working Life – self-study course […]

A New version of BREAK PRO is now available for students [article]

Download the new version of the Break Pro break exercise training app! The old version no longer works and users will need to install the version from the software centre if they wish to continue using Break Pro. How to install Break Pro to your computer, UEF-student: Install the application from The BREAK PRO […]

Methods of completing studies [page]

Education Regulations describe how studies can be completed, and units responsible for courses (in Peppi: course implementations) have the authority to define the ways of completing courses in their curricula, including evaluation of study attainments. Students can complete studies individually or in groups through a variety of written and oral methods, such as lectures and […]

Support for Master’s Thesis Writing [article]

Experiencing writer’s block? Cannot decide whether your overall text structure works or not? Not sure about the referencing style to use? Need some ideas on how to paraphrase better?   The course Support for Master’s Thesis Writing is here to help you and provide you guidance in your writing process.  We will overview the elements included […]

MOOC and Continuing professional education [page]

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are online courses open to everyone. MOOCs are available via a Moodle-based online learning environment (DigiCampus).MOOCs are based on the University of Eastern Finland’s study programmes, meaning that they are recognised as degree studies and Open University studies. Course materials and public exercises of MOOCs are available to […]

Finnish Student Health Service´s FSHS-Week 22.–28.3.2021 and FSHS-Day 24.3. [article]

During the FSHS week, we’ll be sharing with students exercise facts and tips on how to step up your everyday exercise under the theme Active everyday life. You’ll be given tips on sitting less, changing working positions and increasing your physical activity. To make everything as easy as possible, we’ll gather all FSHS Week material […]

FSHS/ Lunchtime drop-ins: stress management during lunch breaks [article]

Taking breaks is really important for your energy levels and stress management. Your brain needs moments of rest in the midst of intensive studying. Do you find it hard taking breaks while studying remotely? Do you often have lunch alone at the computer? Are you constantly stressed? Feel you can’t cope? Attention wandering? Try it […]