Are you writing a research paper, thesis or dissertation and need to enhance your information retrieval skills? Book an appointment with an information specialist is a free of charge (max 60 minutes) service of individual guidance for UEF students and staff members and KUH staff members. It is also possible to gather a group of students at the same stage of studies and make an appointment for small group guidance. Reflecting on things together with fellow students can be very productive! Fill in the form and suggest a suitable time for the guidance and we will contact you by email. Distance guidance is also available with the Skype for Business software by choosing the ‘Distance guidance online’ option on the form.
Explore the Guidance and open study materials sites on the library’s home page. You will find the library’s discipline-specific databases and information specialists here. Please also note the discipline-specific information retrieval courses arranged by the UEF Library.
At the Joensuu Campus Library, there is a new easily accessible guidance space called Neuvola. You can just stop by at the Joensuu Campus Library and get immediate help to your information retrieval. Group guidance is also available. Neuvola is open from Mon-Fri 11.30am-1.30pm.