Tarkenna hakuasi

20066 Applying grants

Where to apply for grants?

Funding opportunities of foundations can be found from the Heimo-sites of UEF. Current funding opportunities are informed on UEF´s yammer site of research funding, so join also this group when joining the yammer groups linked to your own research field at the beginning of your doctoral studies. The Association of Finnish Foundations offers a lot of information about foundation funding opportunities, but also about other things connected to the position of a grant researcher, such as taxation. Extensive foundation funding opportunities can be found from Aurora -database, where one can search for foundations by research field. Research professional -database offers international funding possibilities for researchers who have proceeded further in their research career. Primarily ask your supervisor about the funding opportunities suitable for your research.

The research plan is the grant application

Writing a good research plan is extremely important especially in the beginning of doctoral studies. With a research plan one applies for the right to doctoral studies, doctoral researchers salary-paying positions, as well as research grants.  Research plan should be updated every now and then as the research work proceeds. The first research plan is usually written with the help of one´s supervisor.

Philosophical Faculty and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies organize a course “How to write a successful research plan” twice a year. The course is very popular and the success rates of participants have increased. Also the Faculty of Science and Forestry and the Faculty of Health Sciences organize “Writing a grant application” -course annually. Learn more about the courses on Other courses and training- page.

General tips for grant applicants
  • Read the call for applications and instructions carefully. Don´t apply funding from all the foundations, but  instead concentrate on the ones usually funding your field of research and from calls that best fit your research interests. Prepare the application carefully in order to fit the call as well as possible and if needed, adjust the research plan to meet the criteria and goals of the foundation.
  • Adhere to the instructions and deadlines given. These are often unnegotiable. Make sure you have all the necessary attachments well in advance.
  • If a letter of recommendation can be attached, ask for one from your supervisor in good time. Supervisors often have lots of letters of recommendation to write!
  • The reviewers often do not represent your specific research field. Therefore when writing your research and funding plan, be precise, concise and popular.
  • Update your CV, portfolio and list of publications. The CV model of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK) is generally used.
  • Be honest, realistic and optimistic. Do not underestimate your abilities, but do not make promises you cannot keep either. Many foundations appreciate brave thinking and doing on a large scale.