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12115 Sivuaine: Teaching Foreign Languages to Young Learners

Teaching Foreign Languages to Young Learners (25 op / ects) (Vieraan kielen opetus esi- ja alakoululaisille)

After completing the minor subject studies of Teaching Foreign Languages to Young Learners (TeFoLa), the students are familiar with the basic concepts and theories related to early language education. The students can critically analyze research literature and have the required skills for planning, implementing, evaluating and developing language education for young learners. Minor studies include theory and practical training.

This minor is directed mainly to Finnish teacher training students and to international Master's degree students in early language education. Nevertheless, the minor can be completed, entirely or partly, also by exchange students or visiting students, if there are places available.

Opiskeluoikeus / Study right

Sisältyy automaattisesti Early Language Education for Intercultural Communication -maisteriohjelmaan; suomalaisille opettajaopiskelijoille haku; vaihto-opiskelijoita mahtuu mukaan ilman hakua opintojaksokohtaisesti, jos em. ryhmien jälkeen paikkoja on. Lisätietoja sivuaineen opinto-oikeuden hakemisesta löydät oheisista sivuaineen valintaperusteista.

Studies are included in Master's Degree Programme in Early Language Education for Intercultural Communication. Application for Finnish teacher students. Exchange students can attend single courses without application if there are vacancies in the groups.

Lisätietoa / Further information

Lue lisää opinnoista WebOodissa.

More information on the WebOodi.

Vastuuyksikkö: Soveltavan kasvatustieteen ja opettajankoulutuksen osasto, Joensuun kampus

Responsible unit: School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Joensuu Campus