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32688 Students

  • Students’ main goal in studying is to learn and achieve their learning goals.
  • Their credits are based on genuine competence.
  • They are responsible for following the principles of responsible conduct of research in studies, such as the preparation of papers, writing essays, answering exams and other study performances.
  • They are aware of their role as a responsible actor in the scientific community.
  • They acknowledge the value of the work done by others and act honestly in all situations.
  • Through their own actions, they support the ethical, critical, creative, transparent and communal approach of the scientific community.
  • They make sure that all their study works and final projects (thesis) reveal clearly, where the information, original ideas and methods come from, and that their origin is properly referred to.
  • Students respect the teaching and research work of the teachers.
  • In teaching situations, they maintain a positive atmosphere by being active with knowledge of their responsibilities.
  • They provide constructive feedback on teaching.
  • If necessary or in doubt, they ask for more information on the correct procedures, using their own initiative.
  • During teaching and exams, they work without disturbing the others’ chance to work in peace.
  • They carry out independently their own learning assignments and theses, unless cooperation is expressly permitted.

Prohibited activities

For more information and examples see TENKs pages.

Cheating in an exam
Notes and aids cannot be used in an exam unless this is expressly permitted.

Example of a prohibited activity: in a classroom exam, the student searched for information on the mobile phone. The student had forbidden notes with her/him in the exam.

Example of a prohibited activity: assistive devices were forbidden in the Moodle exam. However, during the exam, the student had used the learning material of the course, her/his own notes, textbooks as well as internet pages.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student had used an online translator in a Swedish essay, even though the learning task had to be done using her/his own language skills only.

Prohibited cooperation
Cooperation or the use of external help is forbidden unless this is expressly permitted.

Example of a prohibited activity: students completed learning assignments together, although it was an individual performance.

Example of a prohibited activity: students created a Whatsapp group for a remote exam so that they could ask each other for advice during the exam.

Acting on behalf of another person

Example of a prohibited activity: the student's mother took the remote exam on behalf of the student.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student bought her/his thesis from a ghostwriter.

It is forbidden to use another person's text in one's own studies without indicating where the information, original ideas and methods come from. Examples of plagiarism: inappropriately quoting a text or part of it, a pictorial expression or translation obtained from another student, the Internet or elsewhere. Students must clearly indicate the sources they use.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student had not marked all the sources used in the thesis.

Example of a prohibited activity: While working on a thesis, the student found a completed master's thesis on the Internet that partly dealt with the same topic as her/his own thesis. The student copied the text of the master's thesis and referred to the sources used in the master's thesis in her/his thesis; the student failed to refer to the thesis s/he had found.

Example of a prohibited activity: while working on the thesis, the student found a Finnish language source on the Internet that had originally been translated into Finnish from an English language source. The student referred to the English language research through the translation of a Finnish language source s/he found, without proper reference to the source.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student found a published text, the idea of which was presented in her/his own text in her/his own words, without reference to the original text.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student completed a learning task by cutting and copy pasting various pieces of published texts s/he found on the Internet and in literature, without proper references.

Passing on your own pieces of work to another student
It is forbidden to hand over completed assignments/pieces of work to another student for fraudulent use.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student had completed the course with an essay. S/he gave the essay to another student, who returned it to another teacher as her/his own piece
of work.

It is forbidden to reuse your own previous performances or to use parts of your previous pieces of work as a basis for new ones without proper reference to the source.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student returned a learning assignment that s/he
had already used on another course.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student's thesis included a section from essays s/he had previously prepared and used, without references to the essays in question (self-plagiarism).

Not doing your part in pair and group work